The future of the workforce is changing 


CarersUK state that millions of people in the UK are juggling paid employment with their caring responsibilities. - it’s estimated that more than 9% of people in employment are also unpaid carers., with over 400,000 people in paid employment whilst also providing over 50 hours of care per week.

This number will only get bigger. We can expect to see a shrinking younger workforce alongside a growing older workforce and increasing numbers of employees who are likely to be juggling paid work with unpaid care. 

 The Impact

We know all too well that juggling work and care can have a negative impact on the carer’s mental and physical health. We hear and read stories over and over again of exhaustion, overwhelm, stress and burnout. We also know that this level of stress and poor mental health can be a significant reason for leaving employment, which of course brings additional challenges when it comes to income and finances.

Thankfully opportunities for working from home and flexible hours, which were very much a welcome bi-product of Covid, can help carers maintain a balanced life.

As a carer and employee you have rights and CarersUK are championing this cause - you can find out more here.

How We Can Help

Whilst others lobby for change on a national level - we focus on the carer. We know when carers are feeling less stressed and anxious and are more resilient and getting their needs met, they cope better, are more productive, can find solutions and make better employees.


This is why we are rolling out our Building Resilience & Wellbeing programme into the workplace.


How many of your team are fighting a hidden battle? Wouldn’t it be amazing if you as an employer could help them on a greater level?

When we are able to manage our stress effectively, and operate from our intellectual brain, we do everything better:  we think and plan better, focus better, manage conflict better, build better relationships, and are more creative and innovative, all of which are key to our effectiveness and success at work.  Carers, by definition are more likely to be compromised in this respect, and so investing in our programme is an investment in enabling them to optimise their performance at work.

 The benefits are…

  • Greater loyalty and retention 

  • Improved mental health

  • Stronger performance 

  • More focus

 If you have employees who are also carers then get in touch – we can offer a bespoke programme for between 6-8 carers. The cost to you is £325 per participant (up to 8 per programme).


If you are employed and want us to run a programme in your workplace please let us know your HR contact, or pass on our details to them.

Our Programme